Green Lake Township
Interlochen, Michigan
Population 6,703 and growing.
9394 10th Street
Interlochen, MI 49643
Mondays-Thursdays 8am-5:00pm
Appointments are encouraged due to limited distancing requirements
Airfield Operations Recommendations
Green Lake Township, its agents and employees operating the Airport, assume no responsibility for damage, loss or injury to Users, by reason of fire, theft, vandalism, turbulence, wind, flood, earthquake, faulty construction practice, design errors or omissions, or other natural causes.
User agrees to indemnify, save, protect and hold harmless Green lake Township, its agents and employees operating the Airport from and against any and all actions, suits, claims, damages and charges caused by any act or omission, fault or negligence of the User, or anyone acting under his direction or on their behalf.
No User shall dispose of garbage, papers, refuse or other material on the Airport. -
No User shall destroy, injure, deface or disturb in any way any property or facility on the Airport. -
No User except peace officers, duly authorized Post Office employees, Airport employees, members of the armed forces of the United States on official duty, or persons with current concealed weapon permits, shall carry any weapon or explosive material on the Airport. Properly cased sporting guns may be carried for transshipment. -
All users shall be fully responsible for all damage or injury to any real or personal property of the Airport,
- All aeronautical activities at the Airport and all flight operations in the airspace above the Airport shall be conducted in conformity with the current pertinent rules and regulations of the FAA, the MAC and the Commission.
AIRCRAFT PARKING - The aircraft owner or operator must make suitable arrangements with the Manager for parking for more than a few days. The aircraft owner or operator of radial engine aircraft must provide a catch pan for oil under each engine and operator must clean up the dripped oil and prevent contamination of any soil and entering any storm water catch basins.
TIE DOWN RATES - Green Lake Township does not charge fees for this service or assume any liabilities for pilots wishing to use the designated aircraft tie down area.
VEHICLE PARKING - Vehicles may be used to access aircraft for the purpose of loading and unloading. At no time shall vehicles hinder or obstruct aircraft use of the facility. Always give the right of way to moving aircraft. Public parking is located next to airfield (see: Airport Facilities Diagram).
CAMPING - Aircraft owners may camp in the designated tie down area. Camping is also available at Interlochen State Park located 1 mile north of the airport. A paved bike lane runs north into town.
RESTROOMS: Portable restrooms are located in public park adjacent to airport facilities
PILOT AND VISITORS BUILDING: The access to this locked building is available by using a combination code. The specific access code is published in the Michigan Airport Directory or by contacting the Airport Manager. Building location see: Airport Facilities Diagram. Please note that there are no telephone, internet access or other communication equipment in this building.
RADIO PROCEDURES - Aircraft coming to or leaving from the Airport, operating in the local traffic or practice area and equipped with two-way radios shall maintain communications with the Airport users using 122.9 CTAF. Aircraft operating in conflict with the runway in use should declare their intent and maintain two-way radio communications with the Airport users using 122.9 CTAF.
ULTRALIGHT OPERATIONS/FLIGHT RULES - Pilots / operators must obey all applicable FAR's under Part 103 and Part 91 when operating in and out of the Airport. This includes familiarization of the AIM. (AC-103-7). All ultralight vehicles MUST see, avoid, and yield the right-of-way to ALL fixed wing aircraft. (FAR 103.13). Flight shall only be between the hours of sunrise and sunset. (FAR 103.11).
FUELING - None. Nearest refueling location: See Pilot Information